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Informational Open House

Monday, March 4, 2024

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2024 Construction Season Details

Working Hours

The contractor is permitted to complete construction activities between 6 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. daily.

Detours and Closures

Western Avenue Closure:

  • Western Avenue from the intersection of 95th Street to 271st Street (County Road 106) is closed.
  • The intersection at 271st Street will remain open to traffic.

Construction Schedule

Segment 1: Western Avenue to Cliff Avenue

Dirt Work

Construction projects like South Veterans Parkway are designed to be as efficient and cost-effective as possible, including excavating dirt and other materials for the road bed in areas close to the project site.

  • Save time

    Hauling trucks travel shorter distances, saving time and money while minimizing impacts to the traveling public and environment.

  • Manage water

    Excavated areas also serve as future detention ponds, which mitigate potential impacts to downslope properties by holding storm water runoff and releasing it at a slower rate.

  • Reduce cost

    There are cost savings from purchasing land for excavation near the project area rather than relying on more expensive excavation areas further away.

Segment 1 Construction Quick Facts